Monday, November 10, 2008

The Bird Poop Express

Jeff - Time coverPhotoshop Jeff Reminder!

Don't forget about Photoshop Jeff! It's the goodness that's good because you made it good! I'll give it a week or so and then post all the entries. This one came from V... thanks, V!


The other day I left work and walked out to the parking lot. I wandered around for a few minutes before I found my car. It had changed colors.

It seems that the winged wonders of Oklahoma are experimenting with a new migration pattern. There are no poles or wires over where I park, and yet my noble steed was coated with the detritus of a hundred sparrows. Top, sides, hood... literally every surface. No one else's car was defiled.

Chapter 12... Automotive Targets...I drove home in the Bird Poop Express.

When I got home, my wife saw me pull into the driveway. She stared at the poop-mobile, eyes wide. In the distance, a neighbor's dog began to howl sadly. "Please tell me you're not parking that thing in our garage," she said. "That much methane might be a fire hazard."

Today my car is shiny red again, instead of lumpy brown. Thank goodness for the car wash. I hope they don't have too much trouble unclogging their drains.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger V said...

I have no words. Apparently I do not need them as your blog speaks mightily. It says "misto". I'll leave it at that.


At 2:38 PM, Blogger LadyPatsFan said...

I was going to commiserate with you by posting my own poo story for your entertainment. However, after living with children, cats, and dogs for the last dozen-plus years, I realize that my appropriate-meter may be slightly off, and any story I could think of may be a bit over the top and a little too disgusting for publication.

In the interest of not sending you and your readers rushing for the commode, I will leave you only with the words - "wandering pee".

At 3:53 PM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...

OK, LadyPatsFan, after a ramp-up like that, now I gotta hear the story. :)

At 4:03 PM, Blogger V said...

And once again, the blog gives me the words. "hypr-p-p-la" Although, without the hyphens. :)

At 8:51 AM, Blogger LadyPatsFan said...

In the interest of sharing, I have included the story of the Wandering Pee on my blog. Enjoy!


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