Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Danger Pants

Lucky!I am not, as a rule, a superstitious man. I believe luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Even so, I am not immune to the power of infrequent unfortunate patterns.

Almost two years ago, I rear-ended a moron on my way to work. I grumbled, whined, adjusted my driving habits and moved on.

A little more than a year ago, I was hit by a truck that slid out of control on an icy bridge. There's rarely a good time to hear the phrase, "Showered in glass". This was not one of those times.

Later that day my wife and I were picking glass shards out of my clothes when she casually mentioned, "You were wearing these dark green slacks when you wrecked last year."

This is the only person I could find who's whiter than I amPanic.

I tried really hard not to hate those pants. But I'd avoid wearing them whenever possible. I started to think of them as the "Danger Pants". If it was wet or icy outside, I'd pretend to be more enamored with the Khaki. If I did end up wearing the Danger Pants to work, I'd drive without blinking or breathing, ready to swerve into "off-road" mode at a moment's notice. During those trips, my heart rate never went below 120. I burned 300 calories per trip on adrenalin alone.

Salvation finally came in the form of a charitable donation. My wife said, "I've been thinking of donating some clothes to Goodwill. Do you want to get rid of anything?" After a brief celebratory shout, I calmly said, "I have at least one item in mind, yes."

Today, the Danger Pants are somebody else's problem. I feel so free!

For deserving souls onlyI just hope I haven't unknowingly brought down doom upon some undeserving soul.



At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

None judge DOOM!!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger V said...

I had a great comment. Equally obscure as Zid's. Possibly even a play on his. Who knows now as I click and start to type and then I look down. Words failed me. And so, obscurity must take second place to such awesomeness.

Blogword - buttdesrvi

I think that says it all. If you wear danger pants, your butt gets what it deserves.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...

V gets the very best code words on my blog.



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