Just When You Thought You Had It All
This showed up in my email a while ago. I have no idea if these are real products, but they amuse me...
This showed up in my email a while ago. I have no idea if these are real products, but they amuse me...
You all remember the event. Last Tuesday, when America was suddenly assaulted by "The Audacity Of Hat".
At work a few days ago, a group of us were talking about some of the silly problems we'd been working on during the week and what we'd done to resolve them. Big Dawg mentioned three specific problems that he dealt with, which I jokingly referred to as a "tridefecta" (a word I shamelessly borrowed from Scott Adams).
Remember snow?
From time to time, the joke "That would make a *great* rock n' roll band name!" gets re-used here. Recent examples include "Certificate Of Destruction" from this post (see the comments), and of course the Rock Band post, which was full of this kind of silliness.
Now I've heard everything.
Last week I had the honor of doing mighty battle with a Script Kiddie! A Script Kiddie is like a hacker, only far dumber.
A few inaugural thoughts. Politics are such a touchy subject that I won't use nicknames on this one.
Friday night we went to see the Tulsa Oilers play ice hockey against somebody. I'm sure the opponent had some kind of a name, but I'll just call them the "Winners" to save time.
I'm an idiot.
This weekend the NFL plays the last two games before the Super Bowl. I thought I'd share a couple of bizarre NFL goodies I've found recently.
I walk quietly.
My mother-in-law is funny sometimes. She's one of those who has a hard time not being "mother", even though her younglings are all grown up. She was talking to my wife last week during the cold weather and took time to admonish her, "Tell Jeff he needs to wear his coat and ride the bus."
Saturday, I had my first EVER successful plumbing project. Allow me a moment to make it more dramatic than it really was.
Friday of last week, Big Dawg came into work with a package for me.
I decided to cut "Time-Waster Week" short when I saw these news stories.
Have you seen this? Literature Map... this thing is pretty cool.
Two of the very best Lego videos I've ever seen. These are worth your time. :)
If you havn't seen these games before, you really should. Just not when you have a deadline you care about. :)
It's time-waster week! This is my way of sorta-kinda taking a week off on the blog posts. :) Today, it's "Build your own" stuff.