Doo Dah
"A blog I saw had a box with a link that was broken."
Well, the site that I work on has some blogs. Some of them even have boxes. But I couldn't find any broken links, so I contacted the user.
"Which blog had the broken link?" "Oh, I don't know."
No idea where the problem is, but still expecting me to fix it. Nice.
I brought M16 in on the situation. He and I looked over things as best we could, but we just couldn't find anything to fix.
I made an observation. "It kinda sounds like a twisted version of a children's song. Check it out..."
There's a blog with a box and a link that is broke, oh the doo-dah day!"
Our decent into silliness was complete. M16 and I left the phantom problem unresolved.
5 minutes later I walked past M16's desk. I was singing under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear...
"Doo-dah... doo-dah..."
I kept on walking as he laughed. That way, if anybody asked why he was laughing he'd have to explain it on his own.
I'm like that sometimes.