The Violence Of American Humor
I've been reading a book by William Keough called "Punchlines: The Violence Of American Humor".
I know you find it hard to believe that I would be interested in such a thing. :)
Well, despite the promising title, it's really more of a "history" book, so in that regard I'm a bit disappointed. However, with regard to unintentional hilarity, I submit to you the introduction to chapter one:
I know that text is hard to read... the bit I'm pointing out reads, "God is not evil. But the best you can say for Him is that He's an underachiever." -- Woody Allen
The part that got me is that little smudge mark... some well-meaning God-Defender has scratched out the word "best" and penciled in "worst". Clever, right? Now Mr. Allen is paying God a compliment. I'm sure that's what he really meant to say, if he'd just thought about it a bit.
I think back to all the great moments in Christian history... Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the All Saints' Church in Rome, Mother Teresa's Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, and of course our anonymous vandal defacing a library book. I get misty-eyed just thinking about it.
Call me crazy, but I think there are better ways to serve God than mis-quoting departed *demented comedians. :)
* UPDATE... apparently I wish Woody Allen was dead. I had no idea I was so violent. ;)